Friday, 16 October 2015



I would like to share about this food because Paella can share ups to 3-5 person per serving. Its good to share with family or friend. I know about this food from my cousin because she study at spain about culinary and she cooked for us at Malaysia. This food has rice mix with seafood. It taste like little bit sour and spicy but not too spicy just nice.So here some recipe that i took from my cousin and how to cook it.

Recipe that we need it.
-Olive oil
-Leaf parsley leave
-Lemon Wedges
-Depends what you want to put on it

1st, you must heat an oil into medium heat.And then fried that chicken untill the colour chicken change to golden and put some salt and pepper.After that, put that chicken in other plate. In the same pan, put onions,garlic and some water.Cook for 3 minutes and then add tomatoes.Put rice and mix it. Do it carefully so that rice cooks evenly. Add chicken that we fried before and put lobster and squid. It takes 15 minutes so that lobster and squid cook perfectly. We can see whether lobster have already cook or not by seing the colour turn to yellow. Not yet done, after put at plate put lemon wedges so that smell good and nice. Okay there it is!

You guys should cook it and try it because it so delicious and you will feel craving if you dont taste it. Depends how many you want to put serving because it depends how many people want to eat it.Have fun ! Goodluck trying to cook that recipe !

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