Friday, 16 October 2015

Simple Lasagna

People always buy food from outside place that price so expensive but people dint know if they make their on lasagna it can save cost 3x.So i i would like to share some knowledge how to make a simple lasagna but taste like secret recipe.


-1 Jar spaghetti sauce
-Mozarella Cheese
-2 eggs
-Parmesan Cheese
-Black Pepper
-Lasagna Noodles
-1/2 Water

How to make it?
1st) Heat the beef and then add spaghetti sauce for 5 minutes
2nd)Take Large bowl, mix together with mozarella cheese, eggs, half Parmesan cheese, salt and black pepper
3) Mix it with suace mixer. Cover the layer with lasagna noodles. Repeat them untill how many thick u want.
4) Put it to oven and make it 175 degrees celcius for 45 minutes. But make sure got heat top and above lasagna so it can cook perfectly. If got uncover bake again add 10 minutes.

DONE! easy right? if want put some taste can put spice or anything that can taste more. Goodluck try it!

This is example Lasagna

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